For those that don't already know
me, allow me to introduce myself,
Folks call me Moldy Marvin, I'm a
gear head, independent artist, event promoter and an advocate for several
special interest groups to include cultural preservation, charitable
coordination, community chests, drag racing, civil rights and civil service.
Since 1999 we have successfully produced a wide range of cultural and
automotive affiliated events under the name of
Moldy Marvin,
Kulture Shoq Studios and Automated Entertainment. Most of them located in
Southern California but also include parts of Utah and Nevada. Some of you
might be familiar with a few of these shows titled as the RatFink.Party,
Kustom Kulture Extravaganza and Moldy Marvin's Doin' It In The Dirt series.
These events have featured not only Hot Rod, Kustoms Classic Cars and
Motorcycles but Kultural Art, Music and shopping environments that are
applicable to the event.
Our events are geared for all ages and have featured a very diversified line
up entertainment to include live performing groups, family games such as
potato sack and three legged racing, egg toss, model building, children's
coloring contest and tattoo contests and over night camping, we also play
host to charity art auctions and panel jams to include special exhibits like
drag racing and flame throwing under a controlled environment!
For several years now we have
been part of SEMA's "Take A Kid To A Car Show" program.

Children play an extremely
important part of what it is that we do, at these events, we give the
children the opportunity to participate in vehicle judging by taking them
as a group throughout our show grounds with adults that explain the
differences between, year, make, model and type of vehicle that they are
looking at.
The children as a group then
judge the vehicles and their votes are tallied and the winners are given
their awards!
Last year I was approached by the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and
Recreation to put together and be part of a series of fund raising events for
2010! For the past couple of years the State of California has been borrowing
monies from the County's general account for the Parks and Rec. Department.
It seems that when this happens the first things to suffer is the Children's
and the Seniors programs within the district. Recently the North Agency came
up with a program where any monies raised through it would be held in a fund
that the State can't touch in order to heal these programs.

After putting our heads together we came up with a calendar of events which
were very diversified and rewarding for
participants and spectators alike with proceeds going back to the park
programs in the communities in which they where held. We held 7 events in the
North Agency and they were all very successful.
One of the programs we would like to
see come back is "Power Parks On Wheels"! This program is very important to
our Passive Parks. A Passive Park is a park that doesn't have a gymnasium or
office complex and are usually not staffed. "Power Parks On Wheels" was
established for our passive parks with a fleet of vans and part time staff
that would take children's programs to these parks! Only thing is, that it
takes money to do it!
In 2011 we will be hosting several
events again and will most likely start in March or April and go through
October. We have 24 parks to chose from and we are currently working on
our program schedule.
With these particular dates we are looking to host specialty Automotive
events on Saturdays and then Pre 1973 Kustom, Classic and Hot Rod events on
Right now we are open for suggestions in regard to the Saturday events on the
weekend dates, we are looking for groups or clubs which are type specific, an
example would be a all GM or FORD event, an all Motorcycle show, or we are
even open to featuring newer vehicles and clubs that own Mini Coopers,
Tuners, Euros, etc.
So if you belong to a group or club and have any ideas please take a look at
the dates and locations and let me know if you are interested in putting
something together! (Note: I will need to know A.S.A.P. so we can put it on
the schedule.)
In addition we also have several "Off Site" events that we are working
on to include our Rat Fink.Party and Kustom Kulture Extravaganza which will be held on July
30th, 2011 at the Acton KOA which will not only include Pre 1973 Kustom,
Classic, Hot Rod's and Motorcycles but live entertainment, family games and
overnight kamping!
For those of you who have followed our events throughout the years you can
tell that this next year we are going to have a pretty full plate! With that
said I personally could really use some feed back and even some help in
putting these events together! We are looking for a good street team,
volunteers, sponsors, live entertainment, vendors and more! So if you are
interested in participating let us know by going to our contact page and
send us an e-mail!
Please feel free to visit the links below for more
information on yours truly and the events that we host.
tha Moldy one